Sponsorship opportunities
We have a wide range of items that can be sponsored - all of which will help us towards our £20,000 sponsorship target.
We invite you to pick anything that you want to attach your company brand to for our tour..
In return we would like to offer the following
Company Logo on the article of clothing sponsored by the Respective Company
2 free tickets for the Annual Christmas Dinner & Dance on the Sponsors table
2 free tickets for the Annual City dinner in June on the Sponsors table
Free Advertisement in the digital programme (shown at all events) and on the web site
Sponsorship Photo
We have the following available sponsorship options
Tour Playing Shirt (Front)
Tour Playing Shirt (Back)
Tour Playing Shirt (Arm)
Tour Playing Shorts
Tour Trackpants
Tour Training Top (#1)
Tour Training Top (#2)
Tour Hoodie
Tour Polo Shirt (#1)
Tour Polo Shirt (#2)
Warm Winter Jacket
Tour Kit Bag
Tour Programme - Message
Tour Programme - Advert
Tour Web site
We are actively looking for sponsors for Tour #21 in 23 - fill in form to find out more
Fill out form if you’d like to support the brochure
If you are interested in finding out more, then please fill in the form below and we will be in contact soon
“Without the help of the business world we would be unable to give these fine young boys the opportunity of a lifetime - an essential part of Campion life”